One cannot free the body
without freeing the mind.
This is the core principle by which eClinik conducts itself.
The ‘e’ in eClinik stands for the following:
The three are complementary and synergistic – and one cannot be fulfilled without the others.
We understand that everything in Nature is made up of electromagnetic waves propagating at different frequencies which determine its manifestations as we perceive them. It is therefore imperative that we use electromagnetics in the treatment of all ailments whenever necessary. With these methods, we can avoid the use of scalpel and manmade compounds while providing a decisive blow to any form of parasitic infections without inducing long term harmful side-effects, and eliminate the grossly high cost associated with conducting such needless procedures.
This radical departure from well established conventions implies that the people should have adequate understanding about what can be expected and the full nature of the process itself. It has been our experience that some of them may find these methods to be too simple (at least visually) to be functional and effective. Yet the outcome is always what we desire them to be: a fully restored immune system capable of defeating any parasitic diseases.
We don’t have to complicate anything unless it is our ardent desire to create a need arising from such complications, and eventually profit from satisfying the same, without due regards to its possible deadly outcome. We have made the process of eTherapy as safe and as effective as possible without resorting to invasive operations, and unnatural chemicals. Trial and error, overdosing are just but few experiences that have been avoided in the employment of such methods. And we are proud that we haven’t got any casualty yet – and certainly, not in the foreseeable future. (Note: Regrettably, this last statement does not apply anymore. We have been informed that one client, whose eTherapy has been voluntarily suspended for signs of detoxification failure, passed away this afternoon, 14 January 2011.)
Even the regional DOH acknowledged rather unofficially that they don’t have any problems with our non-drug methods, but it is us who might have to face some difficulty with “local detractors” which we vowed to endure no matter what the consequences will be. We do understand the risks and it’s more than what DOH have told us, considering that we are standing up against a Php 100 Billion annual sales for pharmaceutical industry in this country alone. We never have the slightest illusion that they would allow us to peacefully coexist. It is only a matter of time when we might attract their attention. (And when that happens, many will regret not having this eTherapy much earlier.)
It is therefore prudent that we must not only provide physical eTherapeutic remedies, but should make it a policy to provide reliable and relevant information thru in-house multimedia edutainment and online materials, so that useful information are easily accessible wherever and whenever a need arises. Most of all, that the public may soon realize that a better alternative does exist.
Empirical data suggest that if we read and follow conventional literatures, there’s no “better” solution in sight. To whoever prepared these materials, cancer is still incurable. We are taking a different view.
We don’t believe that Man has survived for possibly billions of years, perhaps even interacting with dinosaurs (Michael Cremo) and yet cannot withstand against a tiny little thing called virus. We can’t reconcile the fact that the Mainstream Medicine has advanced considerably in the field of diagnostics and yet rate very poorly in the field of therapy, i.e the actual elimination of a disease and not just its symptoms. The use of chemical compounds dates back to the Middle Ages – to the days of Alchemy. Man has literally conquered the moon and yet has not gone enough into his own body. Or, is it really the case? Have we been told the whole story?
When the public is fully informed, they can intelligently make better decisions. Better decisions can save lives.
When the public is ill informed, identification of the “right” or “better” option is totally impossible.
When the public is physically and mentally healthy, they can afford to have a positive outlook and can focus more on enhancing greatly how they can live their lives, and may also improve substantially on how they intercourse with society in general.
It is therefore to our mutual advantage that we must endeavor to see a physically and mentally healthier population. And we’re glad we can start it with you.
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