Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Dr. Burzynski
What are Antineoplastons?
Peptiidid-uus samm tervenemisel
Looduslikud Vedelad peptiidid
Koespetsiifilised lühikesed peptiidid reguleerivad geenide ekspressiooni (aktiivsust). Nad seonduvad vastavate geenide kindlate promootorosadega, vallandades DNA molekuli lahtikerimist ja sellelt informatsiooni lugemist. Peptiidide defitsiit, mis areneb vanusega ja patoloogiate puhul, kiirendab oluliselt kudede kulumist ja organismi vananemist. Kudede ja rakkude adekvaatseks tööks on vaja adekvaatset hulka peptiide, mis omakorda toetavad geenide tööd optimaalses režiimis. Peptiidid, mis töötavad spetsiifiliselt just neile sobivates rakkudes, ka sünteesitakse nende samade rakkude poolt. Just selle pärast halveneb vananemise ja patoloogiate puhul rakkude töö, järelikult häirub peptiidide süntees, mille järel omakorda kannatab rakkude funktsioon. Kudede degeneratsioon progresseerub, mis lõppkokkuvõttes ilmneb kliiniliselt. Seetõttu on lühikeste peptiidide kasutamine üheks tähtsamaks innovatsiooniks meditsiinis ja võimaldab oluliselt aeglustada vananemise tempot, stimuleerides kudede juurdekasvu ja taastumist (proliferatsiooni ja regeneratsiooni) ning suurendades samas ka rakuressurssi. Peptiidide veel üheks tähtsaks eeliseks on nende väljendunud kasvajavastane mõju.
Tänaseks päevaks on peptiidide kasutamine parimaks ja kompromissitumaks otsuseks onkoloogiliste haiguste revitalisatsiooni ja profülaktika valdkonnas. See võimaldab läbi viia rakkude ja kudede uuendamist mitte ainult rakkude tsüklilisi protsesse reguleerides ja sünkroniseerides, vaid ka laiendades rakkude jagunemisvõimalust ilma atüüpiata (rakkude ebakorrapärane paljunemine).
Me esitleme teile looduslike peptiidide uut generatsiooni –NPCRIZ-i ja SZO RAMN juures asuva Sankt-Peterburgi bioregulatsiooni ja gerontoloogia instituudi ühise teadusliku uurimustöö tulemust. Loodusliku päritoluga peptiidseid bioregulaatoreid on traditsiooniliselt kasutatud kas süstidena või sissevõetavate kapslite kujul. Praktika on näidanud, et lühikesed regulatoorsed peptiidid ei allu mao-seedetrakti transformatsioonile ning seetõttu võib neid rahulikult, kergelt ja lihtsalt kasutada praktiliselt kõigi soovijate puhul. Neil puuduvad kahjulikud kõrvaltoimed. Looduslikud peptiidid toimivad sujuvalt, kuna kudede reageerimise jaoks on vajalik peptiidide teatud koguse saavutamine (homing-efekt), eesmärgiga täita defitsiiti. Alles pärast seda hakkavad rakud taastama oma normaalset tööd, „peatades kiige ja viies kõik protsessid kuldsesse keskmesse” (V.H.Havinson 2009). 2-4-kuise kuuri efekt võib säilida 4-6 kuud. Pärast selle aja möödumist peaks peptiidide taseme taastama korduskuuriga.
Eksisteerib teatud alternatiiv, mis meeldib kannatamatutele. Võib kasutada sünteetilisi lühikesi peptiide – praktiliselt täielikke analooge looduslikele, aga lihtsamaid, kuna „sünteetika” kujutab endast mitte tervet regulatoorset peptiidi, vaid ainult selle kõige tähtsamat „ankruosa”, mis seob peptiidi DNA-ga. See tähendab, sünteetilised peptiidid – see on koopia aminohapete „ankru”järjestusest looduslike peptiidide molekulis. Selline rafineeritus lubab ülilühikese ajaga saada tuntavat efekti. Kuid sellisel puhul ilmnevad nüansid. „Sünteetika” töötab kiiresti ja jäigalt, kude ei suuda teinekord kiiresti ümber häälestuda ja patsient hakkab kaebama ebamugavust vastavas organis. See ilming on absoluutselt normaalne ja ajutine, kuid nõuab dünaamilist doseerimisvalikut. Tuleb laveerida.
Situatsioon muutub veel palju keerulisemaks, kui see pole mitte lihtsalt grupp sünteetilisi peptiide seespidiseks kasutamiseks, vaid terve sünteetiline kokteil välispidiseks kasutamiseks, mis koosneb peptiididest, aktiivsetest ingredientidest ja transdermaalsetest agentidest (kandjatest). Selle klassi preparaadid loodi Sankt-Peterburgis 2006. aastal. Sellisel juhul kasvab järsult kõrvalmõjude efekt ja patsiendiga tuleb läbi viia isiklik instruktaaž, samuti välistada riskigrupid (kardioloogilised haiged).
2008 a. lõpul, toetudes kolleegide kogemustele, seisime ülesande ees töötada välja uued loodusliku päritoluga peptiidide kompleksid, mis toimiksid peaaegu sama kiirelt, kui „sünteetika”, aga ilma kõrvalmõjudeta. Töö tulemusel saadi ekstremaalselt kõrgpuhastatud peptiidide fraktsioonide konfiguratsioonid, mis on võimelised läbima absoluutselt kõiki füsioloogilisi barjääre ilma vahendajateta (kandjateta). Selle tulemusel sündis uus looduslike bioregulatoorsete peptiidide generatsioon välispidiseks kasutamiseks.
Uute peptiidide liini deviis:
Peptiidide kompleksid (PK) kantakse küünarliigese sisemisele nahapinnale veenide projektsiooni kohtades ja hõõrutakse õrnalt sisse kuni täieliku imendumiseni. 7-15 minuti pärast toimub peptiidide sidumine dendriliste rakkudega, mis teostavad nende edasise transpordi lümfisõlmedeni, kus peptiidid teevad „ümberistumise” ja kanduvad verevooluga vajalike organite ja kudedeni.
Tähelepanupiirkonnaks oli seedetrakt ja meeste-naiste suguelundkond.
Immuunsüsteemi korrashoid ja tasakaal on väga oluline. Imuunsüsteem mõjutab kogu organismi. Ülitähtis on soolestikus toimuv ja seal elavate bakterite tasakaal. Neid tegelasi elab meie soolestikus ca 3 kg. Kujutage nüüd ette, millise massimõrva sooritab iga antibiootikumi või muu kemikaali mõtlematu neelamine. Hitler, Stalin ja esimees Mao olid armetud amatöörid...
Keemia ravib üht probleemi kuid samas tapab tervet ja korrasolevat ilma valikuta. Muideks ka ravimtaimedega üle pingutades või mittesobivat taime kasutades saab endale samasuguse kahju korraldada.
Seedefermentide tasakaal sõltub oluliselt soolestiku korrasolekust. B- grupi vitamiinid soodustavad mikrofloora toimimist.
PK16 taastab limaskesta rakke ja rakke, mis toodavad seedefermente.
Organismi kogunevad toksiinid ja šlakid. Kui neid ei väljutata siis nad lõpuks blokeerivad kogu energiate liikumise.
Maks toodab sappi ja on kogu organismi peafilter, neutraliseerides kõik toksiinid. Sapp on väga oluline komponent ka liigespindade määrimisprotsessides.
Normaalse seedimise puhul lõhustuvad toitained glükoosiks ja veeks. Kui tasakaal on rikutud, siis tekib organismi üle- või alahappesus, ärritused. Rakud paisuvad, kui ärritust ei kõrvaldata, siis järgneb põletik, kui ka siis ei reageeri, siis järgneb mädanik... Selline on näiteks enamlevinud skeem kuidas tekib algul eesnäärme suurenemine, seejärel põletik, seejärel.... Ärritunud ja põletikulisi rakke pääsevad kergesti ründama mikroobid, viirused, parasiidid.
Seega on seedeprobleemide kõrvaldamisel väga olulised PK 7,8 ja 16. neid peaks kasutama ettevalmistava perioodina vähemasti 3 kuud. Siis järgnevad Suprefort ja Svetinorm. Probleemide ja põletike puhul lisada juurde Ventfort. Peale seda lisada juurde pk9(10) ja 15 ning neid kasutada 2 kuud. Juua Testonormi teed
Kindlasti tasub meestel kasutada Mesotel'i. Naised Mesotel Neo ja Repronormi teed.
Mesoteelid võimendavad rakkude ainevahetusprotsesse. Paraneb peptiidide, toidulisandite ja ka ravimite omastatavus.
Toidulisanditest kasutada Regenarti - toetab maksa ja liigeseid, Olekap - reguleerib rasvade ainevahetust, Panaksod - taastab mao ja 12-sõrmiku limaskesti, hävitab Helicobakterid.
Kõigil, kellele voodi all või vannitoas seisev kaal närvidele käib, võib samuti seda programmi soovitada.
Haiged liigesed on viletsa seedetrakti tagajärg.
Vilets kõhunääre ei lase rakkudel glükoosi omandada ja rakud ei saa energiat toota.
Kõhukinnisuse puhul juua Defemaksi ja Pangitoni teed. Defemaks on hea ka hemorroidide puhul. Sooleparasiite tõrjub edukalt Gelmaks.
Kindlasti tuleb süüa vähemasti 3x päevas. Veel parem oleks 4x päevas. Magu vajab ühest söögikorrast taastumiseks 4 tundi! Regulaarne söömine on samamoodi organismi üks väga oluline ja vajalik biorütm!!!
Apelsinid, kohv ja gaseeritud veed on maksale mürk!
Üle 40-stele naistele peaks olema kilpnäärme regulaarne profülaktiline peptiidikuur kohustuslik. Epifüüs, kilpnääre, neerupealsed ja munasarjad on omavahel tihedalt seotud.
Kel kunagi on olnud kollatõbi vajab kindlasti maksale peptiidikuuri. Olekapil on ses protsessis ka väga tähtis roll.
cancer cure,
Dr. Burzynski,
immune system regulator,
cancer cure,
immune system regulator
immune system regulator,
The Only Answer to Cancer with Dr. Leonard Coldwell
cancer cure,
cause of sickness,
Dr. Leonard Coldwell,
Health Watchman,
Power of mind
Monday, October 29, 2012
e-Clinic, Towards Healthcare Emancipation
Our Core Principle
One cannot free the body
without freeing the mind.
This is the core principle by which eClinik conducts itself.
The ‘e’ in eClinik stands for the following:
The three are complementary and synergistic – and one cannot be fulfilled without the others.
We understand that everything in Nature is made up of electromagnetic waves propagating at different frequencies which determine its manifestations as we perceive them. It is therefore imperative that we use electromagnetics in the treatment of all ailments whenever necessary. With these methods, we can avoid the use of scalpel and manmade compounds while providing a decisive blow to any form of parasitic infections without inducing long term harmful side-effects, and eliminate the grossly high cost associated with conducting such needless procedures.
This radical departure from well established conventions implies that the people should have adequate understanding about what can be expected and the full nature of the process itself. It has been our experience that some of them may find these methods to be too simple (at least visually) to be functional and effective. Yet the outcome is always what we desire them to be: a fully restored immune system capable of defeating any parasitic diseases.
We don’t have to complicate anything unless it is our ardent desire to create a need arising from such complications, and eventually profit from satisfying the same, without due regards to its possible deadly outcome. We have made the process of eTherapy as safe and as effective as possible without resorting to invasive operations, and unnatural chemicals. Trial and error, overdosing are just but few experiences that have been avoided in the employment of such methods. And we are proud that we haven’t got any casualty yet – and certainly, not in the foreseeable future. (Note: Regrettably, this last statement does not apply anymore. We have been informed that one client, whose eTherapy has been voluntarily suspended for signs of detoxification failure, passed away this afternoon, 14 January 2011.)
Even the regional DOH acknowledged rather unofficially that they don’t have any problems with our non-drug methods, but it is us who might have to face some difficulty with “local detractors” which we vowed to endure no matter what the consequences will be. We do understand the risks and it’s more than what DOH have told us, considering that we are standing up against a Php 100 Billion annual sales for pharmaceutical industry in this country alone. We never have the slightest illusion that they would allow us to peacefully coexist. It is only a matter of time when we might attract their attention. (And when that happens, many will regret not having this eTherapy much earlier.)
It is therefore prudent that we must not only provide physical eTherapeutic remedies, but should make it a policy to provide reliable and relevant information thru in-house multimedia edutainment and online materials, so that useful information are easily accessible wherever and whenever a need arises. Most of all, that the public may soon realize that a better alternative does exist.
Empirical data suggest that if we read and follow conventional literatures, there’s no “better” solution in sight. To whoever prepared these materials, cancer is still incurable. We are taking a different view.
We don’t believe that Man has survived for possibly billions of years, perhaps even interacting with dinosaurs (Michael Cremo) and yet cannot withstand against a tiny little thing called virus. We can’t reconcile the fact that the Mainstream Medicine has advanced considerably in the field of diagnostics and yet rate very poorly in the field of therapy, i.e the actual elimination of a disease and not just its symptoms. The use of chemical compounds dates back to the Middle Ages – to the days of Alchemy. Man has literally conquered the moon and yet has not gone enough into his own body. Or, is it really the case? Have we been told the whole story?
When the public is fully informed, they can intelligently make better decisions. Better decisions can save lives.
When the public is ill informed, identification of the “right” or “better” option is totally impossible.
When the public is physically and mentally healthy, they can afford to have a positive outlook and can focus more on enhancing greatly how they can live their lives, and may also improve substantially on how they intercourse with society in general.
It is therefore to our mutual advantage that we must endeavor to see a physically and mentally healthier population. And we’re glad we can start it with you.
One cannot free the body
without freeing the mind.
This is the core principle by which eClinik conducts itself.
The ‘e’ in eClinik stands for the following:
The three are complementary and synergistic – and one cannot be fulfilled without the others.
We understand that everything in Nature is made up of electromagnetic waves propagating at different frequencies which determine its manifestations as we perceive them. It is therefore imperative that we use electromagnetics in the treatment of all ailments whenever necessary. With these methods, we can avoid the use of scalpel and manmade compounds while providing a decisive blow to any form of parasitic infections without inducing long term harmful side-effects, and eliminate the grossly high cost associated with conducting such needless procedures.
This radical departure from well established conventions implies that the people should have adequate understanding about what can be expected and the full nature of the process itself. It has been our experience that some of them may find these methods to be too simple (at least visually) to be functional and effective. Yet the outcome is always what we desire them to be: a fully restored immune system capable of defeating any parasitic diseases.
We don’t have to complicate anything unless it is our ardent desire to create a need arising from such complications, and eventually profit from satisfying the same, without due regards to its possible deadly outcome. We have made the process of eTherapy as safe and as effective as possible without resorting to invasive operations, and unnatural chemicals. Trial and error, overdosing are just but few experiences that have been avoided in the employment of such methods. And we are proud that we haven’t got any casualty yet – and certainly, not in the foreseeable future. (Note: Regrettably, this last statement does not apply anymore. We have been informed that one client, whose eTherapy has been voluntarily suspended for signs of detoxification failure, passed away this afternoon, 14 January 2011.)
Even the regional DOH acknowledged rather unofficially that they don’t have any problems with our non-drug methods, but it is us who might have to face some difficulty with “local detractors” which we vowed to endure no matter what the consequences will be. We do understand the risks and it’s more than what DOH have told us, considering that we are standing up against a Php 100 Billion annual sales for pharmaceutical industry in this country alone. We never have the slightest illusion that they would allow us to peacefully coexist. It is only a matter of time when we might attract their attention. (And when that happens, many will regret not having this eTherapy much earlier.)
It is therefore prudent that we must not only provide physical eTherapeutic remedies, but should make it a policy to provide reliable and relevant information thru in-house multimedia edutainment and online materials, so that useful information are easily accessible wherever and whenever a need arises. Most of all, that the public may soon realize that a better alternative does exist.
Empirical data suggest that if we read and follow conventional literatures, there’s no “better” solution in sight. To whoever prepared these materials, cancer is still incurable. We are taking a different view.
We don’t believe that Man has survived for possibly billions of years, perhaps even interacting with dinosaurs (Michael Cremo) and yet cannot withstand against a tiny little thing called virus. We can’t reconcile the fact that the Mainstream Medicine has advanced considerably in the field of diagnostics and yet rate very poorly in the field of therapy, i.e the actual elimination of a disease and not just its symptoms. The use of chemical compounds dates back to the Middle Ages – to the days of Alchemy. Man has literally conquered the moon and yet has not gone enough into his own body. Or, is it really the case? Have we been told the whole story?
When the public is fully informed, they can intelligently make better decisions. Better decisions can save lives.
When the public is ill informed, identification of the “right” or “better” option is totally impossible.
When the public is physically and mentally healthy, they can afford to have a positive outlook and can focus more on enhancing greatly how they can live their lives, and may also improve substantially on how they intercourse with society in general.
It is therefore to our mutual advantage that we must endeavor to see a physically and mentally healthier population. And we’re glad we can start it with you.
cancer cure,
cause of sickness,
immune system regulator,
Towards Healthcare Emancipation
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Paul Nison Your Health Watchman. The Raw Food Guy.
anti candida,
Health Watchman,
Paul Nison,
Raw Food,
Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis)
Aloe also seems to be excellent at regulating the immune system (an immunomodulator). This means it can both stimulate the immune response for those with weakened immune systems either from exisiting conditions or post-illness fatigue. It can also calm the immune response, such as for Hayfever where less immune reaction is beneficial.
Although Aloe is about 99% water, the remaining 1% is extremely powerful and it is thought this is because the close to 100 ingredients work extremely well together (synergistically). The ingredients in Aloe can be grouped into the following categories: Vitamins, Minerals, Sugars, Enzymes, Lignins, Amino Acids, Anthraquinones, Saponins, Fatty Acids, Salicylic Acid.
Each of these categories could be discussed at length in their own right regarding individual molecules and ongoing studies into their remarkable effects. Combined together it's easy to see why Aloe Vera is such an effective healing plant.
Aloe vera is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, and it contains many minerals vital to the growth process and healthy function of all the body's systems. Numerous studies worldwide indicate that it is a general tonic for the immune system, helping it to fight illness of all kinds. Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of the components to boost immunity and combat the HIV virus, and to treat certain types of cancer (particularly leukemia). It may even have a role to play in managing diabetes.
Aloe vera juice is an excellent natural nutritional supplement, which contains as many as twenty amino acids, twenty minerals and about twelve vitamins. Here are some of the health benefits of aloe vera.
Improves blood circulation
Regulation of blood pressure
Strengthens the immune system and defends the body against bacterial and viral attack
Promotes healing of bones, joints and internal tissue damage
Heals ulcers
Eliminates constipation
Regulates the level of sugar in the blood
Helps in dilating capillaries and supports cell growth, which in turn helps in improving circulation
Aloe also seems to be excellent at regulating the immune system (an immunomodulator). This means it can both stimulate the immune response for those with weakened immune systems either from exisiting conditions or post-illness fatigue. It can also calm the immune response, such as for Hayfever where less immune reaction is beneficial.
Although Aloe is about 99% water, the remaining 1% is extremely powerful and it is thought this is because the close to 100 ingredients work extremely well together (synergistically). The ingredients in Aloe can be grouped into the following categories: Vitamins, Minerals, Sugars, Enzymes, Lignins, Amino Acids, Anthraquinones, Saponins, Fatty Acids, Salicylic Acid.
Each of these categories could be discussed at length in their own right regarding individual molecules and ongoing studies into their remarkable effects. Combined together it's easy to see why Aloe Vera is such an effective healing plant.
Aloe vera is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, and it contains many minerals vital to the growth process and healthy function of all the body's systems. Numerous studies worldwide indicate that it is a general tonic for the immune system, helping it to fight illness of all kinds. Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of the components to boost immunity and combat the HIV virus, and to treat certain types of cancer (particularly leukemia). It may even have a role to play in managing diabetes.
Aloe vera juice is an excellent natural nutritional supplement, which contains as many as twenty amino acids, twenty minerals and about twelve vitamins. Here are some of the health benefits of aloe vera.
Improves blood circulation
Regulation of blood pressure
Strengthens the immune system and defends the body against bacterial and viral attack
Promotes healing of bones, joints and internal tissue damage
Heals ulcers
Eliminates constipation
Regulates the level of sugar in the blood
Helps in dilating capillaries and supports cell growth, which in turn helps in improving circulation
Aloe Vera,
anti candida,
cancer cure,
immune system regulator,
Alkaline Diet
A Slightly Alkaline Body Is Crucial For Good Health
Regardless of how much you work out and try to eat right, if you can’t balance the acids in your body, you’ll never feel as good as you’d like to be.
The problem is, on a whole, the average western diet is acid-producing. And when acidic wastes accumulate, they can cause organs to malfunction and break down.
Why is it so important to follow an alkaline diet food list? Becoming familiar with the way our body responds to food in general will help you see how a big part of our well being has to do with the types of alkaline foods we nourish ourselves with. Ideally, a good food list will help you stick to the recommended plan of your diet consisting of 70% alkaline foods and the other 30% made up of acidic ones.
A Well Balanced pH Level
The pH level, or potential of Hydrogen, is used to measure the level of acidity and alkalinity in our body. It ranges from 0 and very acidic to 14 being the most alkaline. Ideally this pH level should fall between 7.35 and 7.45.
One of the reasons it’s so vital to keep this level well balanced is because the foods we eat leave behind acidic and alkaline residue in our blood. Even the slightest decrease in the pH level can begin to damage cells and tissues. This leads to increased chances of getting sick and sluggish feelings with a lack of motivation.
This is where eating according to a complete list of alkaline diet foods comes into play. What we eat provides vital nutrients and enzymes for our blood. Our cells need these to create the energy for all of our bodily functions to take place. Optimum working order of our body’s systems can be achieved by taking in a majority of alkaline foods. One tip is that almost all processed foods will be acidic. Dairy and meat are also acidic in nature and should be limited to small portions.
Regardless of how much you work out and try to eat right, if you can’t balance the acids in your body, you’ll never feel as good as you’d like to be.
The problem is, on a whole, the average western diet is acid-producing. And when acidic wastes accumulate, they can cause organs to malfunction and break down.
Why is it so important to follow an alkaline diet food list? Becoming familiar with the way our body responds to food in general will help you see how a big part of our well being has to do with the types of alkaline foods we nourish ourselves with. Ideally, a good food list will help you stick to the recommended plan of your diet consisting of 70% alkaline foods and the other 30% made up of acidic ones.
A Well Balanced pH Level
The pH level, or potential of Hydrogen, is used to measure the level of acidity and alkalinity in our body. It ranges from 0 and very acidic to 14 being the most alkaline. Ideally this pH level should fall between 7.35 and 7.45.
One of the reasons it’s so vital to keep this level well balanced is because the foods we eat leave behind acidic and alkaline residue in our blood. Even the slightest decrease in the pH level can begin to damage cells and tissues. This leads to increased chances of getting sick and sluggish feelings with a lack of motivation.
This is where eating according to a complete list of alkaline diet foods comes into play. What we eat provides vital nutrients and enzymes for our blood. Our cells need these to create the energy for all of our bodily functions to take place. Optimum working order of our body’s systems can be achieved by taking in a majority of alkaline foods. One tip is that almost all processed foods will be acidic. Dairy and meat are also acidic in nature and should be limited to small portions.
anti candida,
cancer cure,
cause of sickness,
immune system regulator,
Dr.T.Simoncini sodium bicarbonate cancer therapy
When facing the most pressing contemporary medical problem, cancer, the first thing to do is to admit that we still do not know its real cause. However treated in different ways by both official and alternative medicine, an aural of mystery still exists around its real generative process.
The attempt to overcome the present impasse must therefore and necessarily go through two separate phases: a critical one that exposes the present limitations of oncology, and a constructive one capable of proposing a therapeutic system based on a new theoretical point of departure.
1-Dr Simoncini, Cancer, l'hypothèse fongique (VO... by JLGUIGUIL
Dr. Simoncini, an oncologist in Rome, Italy has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. The fundamental theory behind this treatment lies in the fact that, despite a number of variable factors, the formation and spreading of tumors is simply the result of the presence of a fungus.
Sodium bicarbonate, unlike other anti-fungal remedies to which the fungus can become immune, is extremely diffusible and retains its ability to penetrate the tumor, due to the speed at which the sodium bicarbonate disintegrates the tumor. This speed makes fungi's adaptability impossible, rendering it defenseless.
The sodium bicarbonate solution is administered directly on the tumor, if possible. Otherwise, it can be administered by selective arteriography, which basically means selecting specific arteries through which the solution is administered, which subsequently dissolves the tumor.
Selective arteriography represents a very powerful anti-fungal weapon that is painless, leaves no after effects, and has very low risks. It is possible to reach almost all organs with a sodium bicarbonate solution, resulting in treatment that is harmless, fast, and effective.
2-Dr Simoncini, Cancer, l'hypothèse fongique (VO... by JLGUIGUIL
3-Dr Simoncini, Cancer, l'hypothèse fongique (VO... by JLGUIGUIL ..
The attempt to overcome the present impasse must therefore and necessarily go through two separate phases: a critical one that exposes the present limitations of oncology, and a constructive one capable of proposing a therapeutic system based on a new theoretical point of departure.
1-Dr Simoncini, Cancer, l'hypothèse fongique (VO... by JLGUIGUIL
Dr. Simoncini, an oncologist in Rome, Italy has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. The fundamental theory behind this treatment lies in the fact that, despite a number of variable factors, the formation and spreading of tumors is simply the result of the presence of a fungus.
Sodium bicarbonate, unlike other anti-fungal remedies to which the fungus can become immune, is extremely diffusible and retains its ability to penetrate the tumor, due to the speed at which the sodium bicarbonate disintegrates the tumor. This speed makes fungi's adaptability impossible, rendering it defenseless.
The sodium bicarbonate solution is administered directly on the tumor, if possible. Otherwise, it can be administered by selective arteriography, which basically means selecting specific arteries through which the solution is administered, which subsequently dissolves the tumor.
Selective arteriography represents a very powerful anti-fungal weapon that is painless, leaves no after effects, and has very low risks. It is possible to reach almost all organs with a sodium bicarbonate solution, resulting in treatment that is harmless, fast, and effective.
2-Dr Simoncini, Cancer, l'hypothèse fongique (VO... by JLGUIGUIL
3-Dr Simoncini, Cancer, l'hypothèse fongique (VO... by JLGUIGUIL ..
anti candida,
cancer cure,
cause of sickness,
Dr Tullio Simoncini,
immune system regulator,
sodium bicarbonate,
Dr. Leonard Coldwell
Dr. Leonard Coldwell is the world’s leading authority for Cancer cures, Stress-Related Illness, and Burnout Syndrome, and is the most successful motivational and success trainer of our time.
He is the author of 19 bestselling books including his mega best sellers: The Only Answer to Cancer, and The Only Answer to Surviving Your Illness and Your Doctor. Over 57 million readers enjoy his teachings. His IBMS Stress Reduction CD set is the most endorsed and most sold of all times. Discovering his gifts at a very early age, he single-handedly cured his own mother from Hepatitis C, Liver Cirrhosis, and liver cancer – a near impossible feat since she had been given a diagnosis of a terminal state and a prognosis of only 6 months to live. Today, 42 years later, she is still alive and healthy! Throughout Dr. Coldwell’s successful career, he has to date, cured over 35,000 cancer patients (studies have proven a 92.3% cancer cure rate). Recognizing the need to educate the loved ones of his cancer patients, Dr. Coldwell became the most loved and highest paid success and motivational speaker in the world. Dr. Leonard Coldwell has provided training to the largest companies in the world including IBM, Deutsche Bank – Deutscher Herold; and helped build the largest financial consulting company in Europe, DVAG.
Dr. Coldwell is the most endorsed and integrated natural Doctor in the world, having earned 4 doctor degrees and 4 PHDs. He recently received an honorary doctor degree in Humanity from the University in Louisiana for his achievements for cancer patients and for the improvement of quality of life for humans. Over 3.4 million seminar attendees have attended Dr. Coldwell’s live presentations; and over 50 million people have seen him on television, or have heard him on radio shows such as Coast to Coast, or as the keynote speaker for the largest Health Education Organization, the Health Freedom Expo.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell states that every cancer can be cured within 16 weeks.
Dr. Coldwell states how that's possible in this video.
Coastam 8-23-2010 interview George Noory talks to Dr. Leonard Coldwell author researcher his book "The Only Answer to Cancer" is one of the fastest selling books ever and is still little discussed or reviewed by corporate media types. This is not an accident; like so many similar stories and subjects of whole health. Pass this one along to those you care about and love. Finally the walls of secrecy and manipulation are CRUMBLING tumbling down and we can help push it and move it aside for all to receive the wealth of knowledge and wisdom available for all seekers. Thank you for listening .
Take good care ! Aloha. (literally alo' exchange ha' life energy)
cancer cure,
cause of sickness,
Dr. Leonard Coldwell,
Ellujäämise õpetus - Dr.Luule Viilma
/.../ Haigust saab ravida vaid põhjust kõrvaldades, aga põhjus on sügaval Teie sees peidus. Iga inimene teab ise põhjust, aga enamik ei teadvusta seda.
Kõige parem ravija on endale inimene ise, kuna ta on pidevalt käepärast. Arsti ülesanne on õpetada, suunata, abistada ja vigadele tähelepanu juhtida.
Inimene on Vaim, kes omab Hinge kaudu oma Keha.
Meie keha on nagu väike laps, kes on pidevalt armastuse ootel ja kui me vähegi tema üle hoolt kanname, siis ta rõõmustab siiralt ning tasub meile kohe ja heldelt.
Järgnev on neile, kes tahavad endid ise aidata.
Kõik siin ilmas on Energia.
Energia = Valgus = Armastus = Universum = Kõiksus = Jumal.
Kui Teile ei meeldi sõna Jumal, siis Te olete inimene, kes pori vihates viskab välja ka sädeleva kalliskivi, mõistmata, mis see on. /.../
Raamatud - Books
In English http://www.luuleviilma.ee/?lang=en
What is a Teaching of Survival?
The shortest answer to that question would be that it is a series of books written by Dr. Luule Viilma. These books are focused on treating illnesses using only the power of mind. So in these books you will find the theoretical basis of mind-healing, practical methods of healing yourself and real-life samples about Dr. Luule Viilma’s patients.
cause of sickness,
Dr.Luule Viilma,
Ellujäämise õpetus,
Power of mind,
Teachings of Survival,
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