Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hemp Oil Cures Cancer

Spain Study Confirms Hemp Oil Cures Cancer without Side Effects

The International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) is putting hemp oil on its cancer protocol. It is a prioritized protocol list whose top five items are magnesium chloride, iodine, selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and sodium bicarbonate. It makes perfect sense to drop hemp oil right into the middle of this nutritional crossfire of anti cancer medicines, which are all available without prescription.


Hemp oil with THC included has the making of a primary cancer treatment, which even alone seems to have a great chance of turning the tide against cancer tumors. It has the added advantage of safety, ease of use, lack of side effects and low cost if one makes it oneself. Surrounded by other medicinal anti-cancer substances in a full protocol it’s hard to imagine anyone failing and falling in their war on cancer.

THC should be included in every cancer protocol.

Sodium bicarbonate is another excellent anti tumor substance that reduces tumors but is much more difficult to administer than THC hemp oil. Cannabinoids are able to pass through all barriers in the body like Alpha Lipoic Acid so simple oral intake is sufficient.


The science for the use of hemp oil is credible, specific fact-based, and is documented in detail.[
There is absolutely no reason to not legalize medical marijuana and create an immediate production and distribution of THC hemp oil to cancer patients.

Q. Why should I expect doctors to support the claim that cannabis cures cancer?

A. Well, because it does cure cancer and that's all there is to it. THC causes apoptosis, so surprisingly it causes apoptosis in all cancers. Why? Well, because decarboxylated oil gets into all cells in the body somehow if ingested in the right quantities. The endocannabinoid system regulates the immune system, so when you get the immune system working right, it can fight cancer, too. Not much to this, really, it is really offensively simple.

Properly produced high grade oil is the best chance the patient has anyway (surgery will be required in a few life-threatening cases, maybe). And if you know of a treatment option that is safer, more effective and more fun for the patient than the oil, well, tell us. There isn't any.

Look at what Mechoulam and Pacher say: "Inflammation/tissue injury triggers rapid elevations in local endocannabinoid levels, which in turn regulate signaling responses in immune and other cells modulating their critical functions. Changes in endocannabinoid levels and/or CB2 receptor expressions have been reported in almost all diseases affecting humans, ranging from cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, liver, kidney, neurodegenerative, psychiatric, bone, skin, autoimmune, lung disorders to pain and cancer, and modulating CB2 receptor activity holds tremendous therapeutic potential in these pathologies."

And how do you do all this? Well, with the oil. You balance the levels or put them in an overdrive, when necessary.

You can eat the oil, rub it on, vaporize it, and take it in suppositories, and between these four methods, you can find a way to help each and every patient on this planet. Later on, doctors will be injecting the tumors with the oil and shrink them in record times that way (not recommended at home).

And why did I suggest skin cancers (or diabetic ulcers or burns)? Well, because you can see what is happening there and it usually does not take long to cure them with the oil, a few weeks max in most cases. Then simply realize that the same thing that happens after topical application on your skin happens inside your body when you ingest the oil. Again, offensively simple, but that is a very precise explanation in the end. And then go back to what Mechoulam wrote: " Changes in endocannabinoid levels and/or CB2 receptor expressions have been reported in almost all diseases affecting humans, ranging from cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, liver, kidney, neurodegenerative, psychiatric, bone, skin, autoimmune, lung disorders to pain and cancer, and modulating CB2 receptor activity holds tremendous therapeutic potential in these pathologies."

Knowing all that, I am going to go modulate my CB2 receptor activity immediately. JB


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Towards Healthcare Emancipation

 The Best Antibiotic to End All Disease is Electricity. 

 “Towards Healthcare Emancipation” - a fully illustrated do-it-yourself eBook that will guide you to a complete set of tested protocols enabling the simultaneous eradication of all parasites, and all toxic chemicals that are the twin causes of cancer and other “incurable” diseases.

These protocols are: non-drug (non-chemo), non-invasive, non-radioactive, non-thermionic, non-herbal and extremely low cost to implement. You’ll never have a good excuse why you shouldn’t do this.

With easy to follow step-by-step instructions and the availability of off-the-shelf materials needed to complete the project, you will be able to construct your own electronic antiviral device that delivers electric micro-current into the blood without making it unfit for circulation. Blood electrification is a safe and patented technology which you can do non-invasively using the instructions from this book.

Unlike encapsulated antibiotics, electric current does not discriminate a certain type of parasites. It neutralizes them all. This fact alone would negate any diagnostic procedures and saves you a lot of hassles and costs. The result is a complete neutralization of any virus, bacteria, fungus, and all other parasites in the blood including AIDS-HIV. This is just one of the six synergistic treatments comprising eTherapy Protocol that when done daily would result to full immune system recovery and will free you from all diseases known and unknown, in as early as 2-3 months!

“Normal untreated blood survives up to 4 days in a microscope cover slide. Electrified blood can stay alive for at least 60 days under the same condition outside the body.”

- Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc.

This very effective yet affordable anti-viral system gives you the following advantages:
Non-chemical (drugs or chemo)
Extremely low cost
No hospital confinement
No need for elaborate diagnostics
No blood extraction; no blood contamination
Easy to build and operate
Complete privacy
a great source of pride and joy being able to help anyone in dire need


Monday, November 12, 2012

Beam Ray Rife Machine

The purpose of this site is to give the most reliable and accurate information so that you can make a good decision on which frequency generating equipment can actually output Dr. Rife's frequencies. 


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Understanding Treating Cancer With Alternative Medicine

Many alternative cancer treatments that can be combined.

Topics are :

Key Articles!!
Treating Cancer

Overview of the
Best Treatments

Importance of
MSM Protocols

Prevent Cancer
From Returning

Herxheimers and
Natural Medicine

Are Alternative
Cancer Treatments
For Real?
Special Situations
Blocked Colon /
Blocked Stomach
What Causes
Shrink Tumors
Weak Cancer
Patients Who
Cannot Eat
Cancer Pain
If Still on Chemo
or Radiation!!
Good Advice
if on Chemo!!
How To Fund
Your Treatment
Without a Loan
14 Questions
and Answers
Prevent Cancer
Ed Skilling
Donate to ICRF
Protocols Photon Protocol
High RF
Photon Genius
Cesium Chloride
Ultimate Simple
Bill Henderson
Dirt Cheap
Overnight Cure
For Cancer
Ozone RHP
Kelley Protocol
Grape Cure
"Type of Cancer"
Articles Adenocarcinoma
Bone Cancer
Bone Marrow
Brain Cancer
Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer
Multiple Myeloma
Ovarian Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Rectal Cancer
Skin Cancer
Amazon Black
Skin Cancer-Oils
Skin Cancer-Vit C
Squamous Cell
Stomach Cancer
Throat Cancer
Uterine Cancer
Cancer Clinics
Best German
Natural Clinics Info
Best Mexican
Natural Clinics Info
Best U.S.
Natural Clinics Info
Treatments Barefoot Calcium
Limu Juice
Bob Beck
Super MSM
Kelmun Protocol
Laetrile / B17
Raw Food Diet
Lorraine Day
Essiac Tea
Cancer Treatments
Key Articles The Treatment of
Stage IV Cancers

Urgent Warnings

Cancer Research
Foundation, Inc.
Anti-Cancer Inst.
Cancer Seminars Florida Seminar
Hands-On Training
Key Topics The Safe Use of
Chlorine Dioxide
Cancer Articles Treatment of:
Stage I-III Cancers
The Cancer Diet
Patients Who Cannot
Eat Whole Foods
Other Articles Introduction to
Cancer Treatments
[Free eBook]
The War in Medicine
[Free eBook]
Cancer Theory
Keep Your
Brain Alive
Gift Shop
Book Information Cancer - Step
Outside the
Box - Info
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Health - Info
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Gently - Info
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- Info
Natural Cancer
Remedies ... That
Work! - Info
Encyclopedia of
Medical Breakthroughs
- Info
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Conditions Diabetes - Type 1
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Key Links Stage IV Treatments
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Saturday, November 10, 2012


Homöopaatia (kreeka όμοιος (hómoios) 'sarnane' + πάθος (páthos) 'kannatus') on alternatiivmeditsiini haru, mis põhineb põhimõttel, et "sarnane ravib sarnast" (ladina similia similibus curentur)

Homeopathy i/ˌhoʊmiˈɒpəθi/ (also spelled homoeopathy or homœopathy; from the Greek hómoios- ὅμοιος- "like-" + páthos πάθος "suffering") is a system of alternative medicine originated in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on the doctrine of similia similibus curentur ("like cures like"), according to which a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure that disease in sick people.

similia similibus curentur-Homeopathic remedies (also called homeopathics) are a system of medicine based on three principles:
Like cures like
For example, if the symptoms of your cold are similar to poisoning by mercury, then mercury would be your homeopathic remedy.
Minimal Dose
The remedy is taken in an extremely dilute form; normally one part of the remedy to around 1,000,000,000,000 parts of water.
The Single Remedy
No matter how many symptoms are experienced, only one remedy is taken, and that remedy will be aimed at all those symptoms.

Similar principals forms the basis of conventional allergy treatment, where the allergic substance is given in a small dose, and in vaccines where an impotent form of the virus is given to bolster the immune system against that particular virus.
Why use Homeopathics?Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. Its growth in popularity in the United States has been around 25 to 50 percent a year throughout the last decade.

This success is fueled by several factors:
Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can be rapid, complete and permanent.
Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects.
Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural ingredients.
Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system, unlike some conventional medicines which suppress the immune system. (For example, cough medicines suppress the cough reflex, which is your body's attempt to clear the lungs)
Homeopathic remedies are not addictive - once relief is felt, you should stop taking them. If no relief is felt, you are probably taking the wrong homeopathic remedy.
Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one, which in practical terms means that it addresses the cause, not the symptoms. This often means that symptoms tackled with Homeopathy do not recur.
But there is a catch...

Every silver lining has a cloud, and there are two main barriers to the effective use of homeopathy:
Prescribing the right homeopathic remedy takes a little more time and patience than conventional medicine. Exactly the right remedy needs to be taken for your symptoms. There is no such thing as a standard homeopathic headache remedy (though, sadly that doesn't mean no such product is sold...).
The remedy you take has to be matched to your particular headache - where it occurs, what brings it on, what type of pain it is, what aggravates it, what makes it feel worse, your state of mind and what other symptoms you experience.
The sheer range of remedies in use can cause practical problems for an average sized pharmacy. If the right remedy is not one of 30 or so commonly used remedies, they can be difficult to obtain.
And so...
We built a remedy finder. Type in your symptoms in plain English, answer a few questions and the homeopathic remedy finder will help you to work out exactly which remedy you need to take.
We opened a remedy shop to sell an extensive range of homeopathics. You can search by the name of the remedy, or a few letters of the name. Easier still, you can put remedies in your basket directly from the homeopathic remedy finder.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Reflexology is a healing modality involving the physical act of applying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques. It is based on an energetic system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands, with the premise that such work effects a physical change to the body 


Top Ten Natural Ways to Remove Heavy Metals

(NaturalNews) Toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and uranium are pervasive in much of the environment. While it may not be possible to completely avoid exposure there are many safe, organic and affordable products that help detoxify and eliminate these toxins from the body. This article will provide ten such examples.

1) Bentonite (Clay) – Aluminium Phyllosilicate (Montmorillonite)
Bentonite clay is a form of volcanic ash that has the ability to physically remove from the body up to 25 times its weight in impurities through a process called adsorbtion. Bentonite has laxative properties and contains high levels of iron, magnesium and silicon. Available in two forms (sodium and calcium) bentonite clay is used in cement, ceramics, acne medication, facial clay, cat litter and to clarify wine. Higher grades of clay are safe for ingestion while lower grades are for external use only and thus are of questionable benefit.

2) Bladderwrack (Sea vegetable) – Fucus vesiculosus (Fucaceae)
Bladderwrack is a type of brown seaweed found in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The stem is used medicinally while the thallas (air filled pods) help the algae float. Containing the active components iodine, fucoidan, alginic acid and phenols in varying amounts based on the water where it grew, bladderwrack is used to relieve heartburn and to stimulate both the immune system and thyroid. Bladderwrack has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

3) Blue Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) – Anabaena sphaerica (Cyanophata)
Blue green algae (along with green algae such as Chlorella) contain chlorophyll, an antioxidant and deep green pigment. Bacteria such as Fecal Coliform cannot coexist with chlorophyll, which helps keep fresh water clear. Algae not only contain nearly every required vitamin and mineral, but also have the effect of increasing oxygen while reducing nitrogen and carbon. Chlorella appears to bind to heavy metals to both detoxify and remove them. Studies in Japan following the nuclear disasters at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 showed that 8 grams of Chlorella daily caused a five-fold increase in the amounts of uranium, lead and cadmium that were eliminated.

4) Burdock (Root) – Arctium lappa (Compositae)
A potent blood purifier, burdock root removes heavy metals such as mercury along with other toxins. Containing up to 45% inulin along with arctiopicrin, arctiin, tannins and volatile oil, burdock is used to treat skin conditions such as acne. Burdock helps to purify the liver and is used as a natural cancer treatment. Burdock has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-tumor properties.

5) Cilantro (Leaf and stem) – Coriandrum Sativum (Umbelliferae)
Cilantro contains the antioxidants camphor, carvone, elemol, geraniol and limonene. A natural deodorizer, cilantro relieves nausea, indigestion and bloating. Consuming cilantro (the seeds of which are the spice coriander) helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Cilantro kills Salmonella and removes heavy metals such as mercury from the body. Cilantro has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and can be easily grown in the home garden.

6) Garlic (Clove) – Allium Sativum (Liliaceae)
Garlic contains the antioxidant allicin, which is formed from alliin and allinase when the cloves are crushed. Garlic helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol while cleansing the liver. Offering unique health benefits when consumed in raw versus cooked or aged, Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

7) Glutathione (GSH)
Glutathione is a type of amino acid chain called a tripeptide. Glutathione modulates the order of cell life, a process called homeostasis. Glutathione is essential for handling environmental toxins as it detoxifies carcinogens (in particular arsenic) and helps the body to remove heavy metals such as cadmium, iron and mercury. This helps the metabolism and immune system by removing dead weight. GSH has antioxidant properties.

8) Onion (Bulb) – Allium Cepa (Liliaceae)
Onion contains the antioxidant quercetin. Onion relieves allergy symptoms and congestion along with helping reduce cholesterol. Onion can treat and prevent cataracts, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and helps remove heavy metals from the body. Onion has antimicrobial properties.

9) Selenium (Mineral)
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that functions as an antioxidant and promotes a healthy immune system. Required in remarkably small amounts (the RDA is measured in the millionths of a gram), selenium is highly toxic in larger amounts. Selenium has strong anti-cancer effects and is known to help detoxify the body and remove heavy metals including mercury.

10) Zeolite (Mineral)

Zeolite is a natural combination of volcanic ash and sea water. With a honeycomb-like structure it forms (teeny) tiny cage-like structures that physically trap heavy metals without removing critical minerals. Animal studies show zeolite to actually improve overall nutrition. A patented process purifies zeolite (since it is a heavy metal magnet it is already ‘full’ when found naturally). Purified zeolite has been shown to help prevent and reverse the growth of cancer cells. While it seems promising, it appears that more independent studies on zeolite are needed as most of the research is published on “Tribute to Zeolite” style web sites that enshrine the product.


More on Glutathione

How to remove heavy metals

More on Zeolite

Related articles by author
About the author

Kirk Patrick has studied natural medicine for over a decade and has helped many people heal themselves.
Learn more:


Pineal Gland Activation


Acidic Blood vs Alkaline Blood

This is a video of Dr Vega's research on Goji.
This is proof that when taken in the right amounts, goji takes effect within 48 hours.


David Wolfe Explains Acid - Alkaline Balance


the Forbidden Cures


The Data is Very Strong: Marijuana Plant Extract Stops Cancers From Spreading

Kanep – kui harilik ja kui ravimlik? Aune Altmets,
"Harilik kanep kui ravimtaim" – Akadeemia, 2007, nr 6,
lk 1301–1345.

The data is very strong and there’s no toxicity associated with A compound found in cannabis could halt the spread of many forms of aggressive cancer, scientists say. The first research to show marijuana’s anti-tumor properties was presented at the American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Los Angeles in 2007 demonstrating that THC may activate biological pathways that halt cancer cell division or block development of blood vessels that feed tumors. It then became a target of synthetic research into THC for drugs such as ImClone System Inc.’s Erbitux and Amgen Inc.’s Vectibix. Researchers have now found that the compound, called cannabidiol, had the ability to ‘switch off’ the gene responsible for metastasis in an aggressive form of breast cancer. Importantly, this substance does not produce the psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant. The team from the California Pacific Medical Center, in San Francisco, first spotted its potential five years ago, after it stopped the proliferation of human breast cancer cells in the lab. Last year they published a study that found a similar effect in mice. Now they say they are on the verge of publishing further animal study results that expand these results further. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. CBD (Cannabidiol), one of the main constituents of the cannabis plant has been proven medically to relieve many diseases including the inhibition of cancer cell growth. Recent studies have shown it to be an effective atypical anti-psychotic in treating schizophrenia. CBD also interferes with the amount of THC your brain processes, balancing the psychotropic effect of marijuana. That is precisely why the power of raw cannabis is turning heads. Speaking to the San Francisco Chronicle, study co-leader Dr Sean McAllister, said: ‘The preclinical trial data is very strong, and there’s no toxicity. There’s really a lot or research to move ahead with and to get people excited.’ While he, along with colleague Dr Pierre Desprez acknowledge that they are some way off from turning their finding into a pill, they are already developing human trial models. They hope to eventually test the drug in combination with current chemotherapies. Professor Desprez had previously found that a protein called ID-1 seemed to play a role in causing breast cancer to spread. Meanwhile Dr McAllister had discovered the cannabidiol had anti-cancer potential. The pair teamed up to see if they could treat a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer called ‘triple negative.’ This form, which affects 15 per cent of patients, doesn’t have three hormone receptors that the most successful therapies target. Cells from this cancer have high levels of ID-1. When they exposed cells from this cancer to cannabidiol they were shocked to find the cells not only stopped acting ‘crazy’ but also returned to a healthy normal state. They discovered that the compound had turned off the overexpression of ID-1, stopping them from travelling to distant tissues. Other potentially treatable cancers are forms of leukaemia, lung, ovarian and brain cancers, which also have high levels of ID-1. Dr Desprez has a particular reason for wanting to create a treatment as quickly as possible – his sister was recently diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer at the age of 41. Her condition is currently receptive to hormone therapies but Professor Desprez fears it could recur in a form that lacks hormone receptors. He said: ‘I want to be ready for that. There is a deadline.’ Cannabis is a Class B drug that is illegal to have, give away or sell. “If cannabis were discovered in an Amazon rainforests today, people would be clambering to make as much use as they could out of the potential benefits of the plant,” said Donald L. Abrams, MD, Chief of Hematology and Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital and Professor of Medicine at the University California. Dr. Abrams is widely known for his research on medical cannabis applications. “Unfortunately, it carries with it a long and not so long history of being a persecuted plant,” he added. Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.


Social History of Marijuana

Between 1850 and 1937 marijuana was widely used throughout United States as a medicinal drug and could easily be purchased in pharmacies and general stores.



Ozone therapy
Ozone is 3 atoms of oxygen bound together instead of the normal 2. It is created artificially as the result of ultraviolet light acting on oxygen to break up and recombine as threesomes. Ozone destroys algae, viruses, bacteria, and fungi on contact and it breaks down harmful chemicals into simpler less damaging molecules. Ozone kills microorganisms by rupturing their cell walls. Healthy cells are not damaged because of their self protective mechanisms. Ozone has a half life of 20 minutes and thus should be used within the first 5-10 minutes to assure its strength. It can cause an initial drop in energy and feeling 'sickly' due to the die-off of pathogens it killed. It is especially damaging to cancerous cells. Ozone in water as dilute as 1ug/ml is anti-microbial. It increases the phagocytic (pathogen eating) action of white blood cells. With the use of it (usually injected) doctors in the U.S. and Europe have reported 100's of cases of HIV blood count reversal, loss of AIDS symptoms (Carpendale et al. 1991), tumor shrinkage and dissappearance and cure of systemic infections such as Hepatitis, staphylococcal infection, and meningitis (Paulesu et al. 1991, Rilling et al. 1986). While using ozone therapy one should supplement with vit E, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, and Selenium in order to support the glutathione detoxification system. Ozone activates both monocytes and lymphocytes. It increases the oxygen supply to the brain. It improves oxygenation and metabolism (by accelerating the Citric Acid Cycle which is the main cycle for the liberation of energy from sugars). In Russia and Cuba, ozonated water is used to treat many types of intestinal & gynecological problems including ulcerative colitis, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea, and vulvovaginitis. Ozone also changes the electrical charge of blood cell membranes so that they won't clump together (which decreases their ability to absorb oxygen and release it to tissues).

Monday, November 5, 2012

Seeds, B17

Vitamin B17 As a Preventative

Vitamin B-17 is one of the main sources of food in cultures such as the Eskimos, the Hunzas, the Abkasians and many more. Did you know that within these tribes there has never been a reported case of cancer? According to Dr. Krebs, we need a minimum of 100 mg of vitamin B-17 (the equivalent of about seven apricots seeds) too nearly guarantee a cancer free life. Foods that contain vitamin B-17 are as follows:
KERNELS OR SEEDS OF FRUIT: The highest concentration of vitamin B-17 to be found in nature, aside from bitter almonds. Apple, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, pear, plum, prune.
BEANS: broad (Vicia faba), burma, chickpeas, lentils (sprouted), lima, mung (sprouted), Rangoon, scarlet runner.
NUTS: Bitter almond, macadamia, cashew.
BERRIES: Almost all wild berries. Blackberry, chokeberry, Christmas berry, cranberry, elderberry, raspberry, strawberry.
SEEDS: Chia, flax, sesame.
GRASSES: Acacia, alfalfa (sprouted), aquatic, Johnson, milkweed, Sudan, minus, wheat grass, white dover.
GRAINS: oat groats, barley, brown rice, buckwheat groats, chia, flax, millet, rye, vetch, wheat berries.
MISCELLANEOUS: bamboo shoots, fuschia plant, sorghum, wild hydrangea, yew tree (needles, fresh leaves).

Two rules of thumb: According to Dr. Krebs, the basic concept is that sufficient daily B-17 may be obtained by following either of two suggestions:

First, eating all the B-17-containing fruits whole (seeds included), but not eating more of the seeds by themselves than you would be eating if you ate them in the whole fruit. Example: if you eat three apples a day, the seeds in the three apples are sufficient B-17. You would not eat a pound of apple seeds.

Second, one peach or apricot kernel per 10 lbs of body weight is believed to be more than sufficient as a normal safeguard in cancer prevention, although precise numbers may vary from person to person in accordance with individual metabolism and dietary habits. A 170-lb man, for example, might consume 17 apricot or peach kernels per day and receive a biologically reasonable amount of Vitamin B-17.

And two important notes: Certainly, you can consume too much of anything. Too many kernels or seeds, for example, can be expected to produce unpleasant side effects. These natural foods should be consumed in biologically rational amounts (no more than 30 to 35 kernels per day).

High concentrations of B-17 are obtained by eating the natural foods in their raw or sprouting stage. This does not mean that moderate cooking and other tampering will destroy the B-17 content. Foods cooked at a temperature sufficient for a Chinese dinner, for example, will not lose their B-17 content.


Aprikoosiseemnete ekstrakt - vitamiin b17

Vitamiini B17 molekul sisaldab kaks osa glükoosi (suhkrut), ühe osa bensaldehüüdi ja ühe osa tsüaniidi. Ained on lukustunud olekus, nagu keedusool, mis sisaldab naatriumi ja kloori.
Vitamiin B17 molekuli suudab lahti lukustada ja tsüaniidi vabastada ainult ensüüm nimega beta-glükosidaas. Kui B17 vee juuresolekul selle ensüümiga kokku puutub vabanevad mõlemad mürgised ained – tsüaniid ja bensaldehüüd. Seda lahtilukustavat ensüümi esineb piisavalt vähi rakkude juures, kus teda on väga suures koguses võrreles tavaliste, ehk tervete rakkudega. Vitamiin B17 lukustub lahti vaid vähi rakkude juures ning vabastab mürgid ja hävitades seeläbi vähirakke.
Terved rakud sisaldavad ensüümi rodanees, millel on võime neutraliseerida tsüaniidi, muutes ta kehale kasulikeks kõrvalsaadusteks. Rodaneesi on suurtes kogustes igas keha osas välja arvatud vähi rakkudes mis seetõttu on kaitsetud.
Tavalised rakud toituvad oksüdatsioonist, mis on mitmeetapiline protsess mille tagajärjel moodustub lõpp-saadustena peamiselt süsihappegaas, vesi ja ammoniaak, mis organismist väljutatakse. Vähirakud toituvad aga suhkru käärimisest. Tavaliste ja vähirakkude erinevus on seetõttu väga suur. Tavalistele rakkudele annab energiat hapniku gaas. Vähi rakud saavad aga eneriat glükoosi kääritamisest mis on madalamate eluvormide energia allikas. Glükoosi kääritamine toimub näiteks alkohoolsete jookide valmistamises.
Teine mürgine aine, mida vitamiin B17 sisaldab, oksüdeerub tavaliste rakkude juures tänu hapnikule ning muutub kahjutuks bensoehappeks. Bensoehappel on reumavastane, antiseptiline ja valu vaigistav toime. See võib võib selgitada ka seda miks vitamiin B17 tekitab valu kadumise arstimite abita. B17 vabastab vähirakkudega kokkupuutel bensoehapet otse vajalikku kohta ujutades vähikolde üle loodusliku valuvaigistiga.
Kui tsüaniidi puutub kokku tervete rakkudega, muutub ta rodaneesi ja väävli abil tiotsüanaadiks. Tiotsüanaad on tuntud loodusliku vererõhu reguleerijana. Lisaks aitab ta toota vajalikku B12 vitamiini. Positiivseks vitamiini B17 järelmõjuks on hemoglobiini ehk punaste vererakkude paljunemise ergutamine.


Green tea

More research verifies green tea's cancer-fighting abilities.

(NaturalNews) Many studies have demonstrated evidence of several health benefits from drinking green tea, including lowering the risk of cancer.

A recent large scale statistical survey to determine green tea's cancer prevention potential, first reported by Reuters then published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, was conducted by Shanghai Women's Health Study.

This study involved almost 70,000 middle-aged or older non-smoking women who drank green tea regularly. The statistics showed that these women had a lower risk of colon, stomach, and throat cancer.

The required green tea consumption amount was rather low for the study, only three times weekly. Those who drank more green tea with longer consumption histories demonstrated statistically lowered cancer risks than those who only met the minimum study requirements.

Another recent test at Columbia University Medical Center in New York showed a link with green tea extracts (GTEs) inhibiting breast cancer tumor growth among women with beast cancer.

How about green tea for men? Another study at University of California Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine was conducted on a small group of men scheduled to undergo a prostatectomy, the procedure for removing a cancerous prostate gland.

Those who drank several cups of green tea daily a few weeks before the procedure had less prostate inflammation and lower PSA (prostate specific antigen) readings, a protein marker for prostate cancer, than those who didn't.

How green tea helps reduce cancer risks and cardiovascular disease
It appears that green tea polyphenols, the type of antioxidant flavanoids in green tea, have extremely high antioxidant properties to help prevent clogged arteries. That's great for lowering cardiovascular disease risks.

But they are more complex than most antioxidants as they also exhibit pro-oxidant abilities that can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells. Cancer cells can't handle oxygen. They survive by fermenting glucose for metabolism instead.

So a cancer patient who eats sugar is feeding his or her cancer cells and promoting their growth. That's something oncologists don't warn their patients about.

Another anti-cancer factor with green tea polyphenols is their enzymatic effects that inhibit tumor blood vessel (angeogenic) growth factors such as hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A).

The type of polyphenols or flavanoids in green tea are catechins. The most abundant catechin in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate, commonly referred to as EGCG. And EGCG is considered the prime mover for green tea's health contributions.

Citizens of Japan have much lower cancer rates than the U.S. despite having a higher percentage of cigarette smokers. They drink high quality green tea often. If you're not up to heavy, high quality green tea drinking, then perhaps green tea extract (GTE) supplements are right for you.

GTE supplements have high concentrations of EGCG, and these are the supplements most often used in trials with positive outcomes on cancer patients. Of course, these mainstream medical trials are used on cancer patients undergoing chemo or radiation or both.

What they usually discover is their treatments are more efficacious with fewer side effects when green tea extracts high in EGCG are used. That's probably because it takes less poison to kill the cancer cells when EGCG is introduced.

Wait, there's more!
In addition to protecting against cancer and cardiovascular issues, green tea and greet tea extracts demonstrate anti-aging and promote longevity. Green tea or GTEs also promote blood sugar stability to help block the onset of adult onset diabetes (Type II diabetes).

Green tea or GTEs may help the body metabolize energy from fat, making weight loss a little easier. ECGC from green tea or green tea extracts have been observed to boost the immune system by raising the number of the body's T cells.

Sources for this article included:


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms

Eye, hair, nail, mouth and skin symptoms are among the early outward warning signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The following compilations may help in diagnosing and treating these deficiencies. However, increased metabolic requirements for indicated deficiencies may persist for a long time after the outward symptoms have disappeared. Many listed symptoms may also be caused or aggravated by allergies and problems with the blood sugar and fat metabolism.

 For each condition only the more prominent nutrients are mentioned. However, all the typical nutrients should be supplied in increased amounts in the treatment of all conditions

Welcome to Health Symptom Search: Find Out What Your Symptoms Mean. Are you wondering what your symptoms could mean? If so, then you can check out the possible causes of your symptoms with Symptom Search. /---/


Vitamiin, mineraal
Soovitatav päeva annus
Ohutu piir

Vitamiin A
800 µg
Kaitseb nahka ja rakumembraane. Vajalik nägemise tervishoiuks, eriti öösel. Vajalik luude arenguks ja kasvuks.
2300 µg
Lapsed, teismelised, suitsetajad.

Vitamiin D
5 µg
Aitab omastada kaltsiumi ja fosforit tugevdamaks luid ja hambaid.
10 µg
Taime- ja pooltaimetoitlased, tubased inimesed.Pimedal ajal enam põhjamaades elavad inimesed


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is perhaps best known for its ability to strengthen the immune system. But this potent nutrient also has many other important roles that control significant aspects of our health.

When we get enough in our diets, vitamin C helps detoxify our bodies, promotes healing of all of our cells, and allows us to better deal with stress. It also supports the good bacteria in our gut, destroys detrimental bacteria and viruses, neutralizes harmful free radicals, removes heavy metals, protects us from pollution, and much more.

Vitamin C can curb the growth of cancer cells according to New Zealand scientists who provided hard evidence to the connection between the vitamin C and killing "the big C" (cancer). Vitamin C kills cancer because cancer cells do not have the enzyme catalase to break down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen. Vitamin C tricks cancer cells into thinking it's sugar, so the cancer sucks it up. The result: the tumor is killed from the inside out by the resulting H2O2.

Yet back in the good ole USA, the FDA halted a vitamin C cancer study last year "pending a determination as to the off-label status of intravenous ascorbic acid". But that wasn't enough as they further attempted to ban all production of IV ascorbic acid for the use of cancer treatment. Same story looking back to 1753 when James Lind showed how to prevent and cure scurvy, with citrus fruits containing vitamin C. Unfortunately, 100,000 British Navy sailors died of scurvy until all the old "experts" had died off and were replaced by new-thinkers.

New ideas, even lifesaving ones are typically ignored by the resident experts even after the ideas are proven correct.

What is vitamin C?
Ascorbic Acid, AKA vitamin C, is a water-soluble vitamin known for boosting the immune system. But vitamin C is also an antioxidant that has been linked to younger-looking skin, contributes to the health of teeth & gums, is required for production of collagen and enhances the absorption of iron, B-12, folic acid, B-6 and vitamin E. A mere 100 mg a day of vitamin C given to an infant can even prevent SIDS! (Not one baby in over 20 years, given "Klenner's/Kalokerinos Ascorbate Therapy" is known to have died.)

How much vitamin C do we need?
Man does not make his own vitamin C and the RDA for an adult male is a meager 95 mg of vitamin C a day. That is insanely low when you consider that a 150 pound healthy mammal producing their own vitamin C will make up to 14,000 mg per day.

In a cancer battle the amount of oral vitamin C that is needed can be extreme. When the upper limit is reached it is accompanied by gas, bloating or loose stools. However, when vitamin C is given at a dosage below bowel tolerance, in a few days it can generally be brought up to a higher dose. Using bowel tolerance, start with 1,000 mg of vitamin C taken with each meal. A few days later, add 1,000 mg more to one meal making it 2,000 mg at one meal and 1,000 mg at the others. A few days later add an additional 1,000 mg to yet another meal and so on. Slow down on adding more vitamin C if you have gas, bloating or loose stools.

For high doses of oral supplement of vitamin C avoid the sodium and calcium C forms. Instead, look for ascorbic acid with rose hips or just plain ascorbic acid. Keep in mind that 90% of all the vitamin C now on the market in the USA is manufactured in China using GMO corn. Only buy corn free vitamin C to avoid GMO based vitamin C. For IV treatment you will need to find a naturopathic doctor in a state that allows IV vitamin C to be administered for cancer treatments.

Excellent food sources of this potent nutrient include rose hips, acerola cherries, and camu camu fruit. More common produce such as chili peppers, red peppers, parsley, kiwifruit, and broccoli are also good sources. It is important to note that most of the vitamin C in foods will be destroyed with cutting, cooking, storing, and other forms of processing.

Sources for this article include:


Top 10 ways to dramatically reduce your daily exposure to cancer causing agents

Top 10 ways to dramatically reduce your daily exposure to cancer causing agents

While it’s impossible to avoid all of the toxins and cancer causing agents that surround you, there are some simple, yet effective steps you can take that will greatly decrease your exposure to toxic substances. Making these painless adjustments can lower your risk for just about every type of cancer along with a whole slew of other diseases. The key to this list is that each of the items exposes you to toxins or cancer causing agents on a daily, or almost daily, basis. By eliminating them you are effectively cutting out a large majority of your exposure.

1. Purchase organic foods

By going organic, you are not only avoiding pesticides; you are also avoiding GMOs, artificial ingredients and harmful preservatives.

2. Filter your tap water

Tap water contains arsenic, fluoride and chlorine; all of which are highly toxic. Using a water filter for your drinking water is a great start; however, the body absorbs a substantial amount of water through the skin during showers and baths. One good option is to install an entire house water filter which can remove 99 percent of these chemicals.

3. Get the mercury fillings taken out of your mouth

Mercury is highly toxic and the old fillings in your mouth may be slowing leeching into your system. When making an appointment to get your mercury fillings removed, be sure to find a dentist that has expertise in this area.

4. Make your own deodorant

Deodorants and antiperspirants contain dangerous chemicals including aluminum, parabens, propylene glycol, FD&C colors, talc and more. Making your own natural deodorant is as easy as mixing coconut oil, baking soda and shea butter.

5. Buy natural toothpaste and mouthwash

Fluoride is very toxic and should not be swallowed. Many toothpastes and mouthwashes contain fluoride, triclosan, saccharin and artificial colors such as FD&C Blue #1. Avoid these ingredients by purchasing natural toothpastes and mouthwashes. You can also make your own mouthwash with water, baking soda or sea salt, and a drop of peppermint or tea tree oil.

6. Buy natural bodywash, shampoo and conditioner

Avoid ingredients including triclosan, fragrance, PEG, ceteareth, polyethylene, DMDM hydantoin and parabens including propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl.

7. Make your own natural home cleaners

Cleaners such as AJAX, Lysol, bleach and the like produce very toxic fumes. They can be replaced by a simple and inexpensive mixture of vinegar and lemon. There are many simple recipes for non-toxic, homemade cleaners.

8. Buy natural laundry detergent

Most name brand laundry detergents leave chemical residue on your clothes which is absorbed by your skin. Ingredients to avoid include linear alkyl sodium sulfonates, petroleum distillates, phenols and sodium hypochlorite (house bleach).

9. Don’t use the microwave

Microwaves kill food, plain and simple. The way they cook is unnatural. Instead use your oven, stove-top, toaster or toaster over whenever possible.

10. Limit your cell phone use

The radiation from cell phones can cause cancer. Limit your cell phone use and try to use hands free options such as Bluetooth and speakerphone whenever possible.

A few other notables include:

- Use natural makeup
- Don’t use baby powder (talcum)
- Don’t use weed killers or pesticides

Sources for this article include:


Colloidal silver

1. 3tk- 9V patareid
2. 99,99% hõbevardad (15 cm)
3. 2 krokodilliotsikutega juhet
4. destilleeritud vesi (!)
5. tume säilituspudel (anumad tuleb hoida võimalikult puhtad sh ka kraaniveest- loputada destilleeritud veega !)

 Make your own colloidal silver

Inimorganism talub kolloidhõbedat eriti hästi ja see on üks ohutumaid haiguste ravimisel kasutatavatest toodetest. Praktikas ei ole suudetud hõbeda allergiat tüendada (”ehtehõbeda” allergiad on ehetes kasutatud hõbeda ebapuhtusest põhjustatud).Hõbe ei kogune organismi; selle pooldumisaeg on umbes 5-9 päeva ja hõbe kaob organismist täielikult 90 päeva jooksul.

Hõbeda kasutused antibiootikumi ja pestitsiidina

Hõbedat on juba ammustest aegadest kasutatud nii antibiootikumi kui ka pestitsiidina. Vanasti hoiti jooginõudes hõbedat, sest siis ei olnud ohtu, et vees või joogis võiksid bakterid või vetikad vohama hakata. Seepärast tehti tihti ka hõbenõusid, eriti just joogipeekreid.

Kaasaegne meditsiin kasutas kolloidhõbedat antibiootikumina aastani 1939, kui mindi üle antibiootikumidele, mida oli kergem ja odavam toota, peamiselt penitsilliinile. Tänapäeva meditsiinis kasutatakse hõbedat peamiselt desinfitseerimiseks. Näiteks kasutatakse USA-s hõbedaühendeid haavade puhastamiseks.

Lisaks toodetakse ka veefiltreid, mis kasutavad vee puhastamiseks kolloidhõbedat. Ka NASA kasutab oma kosmosesüstikutes kolloidhõbedat vee filtreerimiseks.

Kolloidhõbedat on kasutatud vähi, herpese, HIV/AIDSi3, diabeedi, linnugripi ja tuberkuloosi ravis.

Kolloidhõbe tapab üle 650 erineva haigustekitaja, samas kui levinumad antibiootikumid tapavad alla kümne erineva haigustekitaja. Erinevalt antibiootikumidest ei mõjuta ka kolloidhõbe immuunsussüsteemi, sellel ei ole ilmenenud mingisuguseid tagajärgi. Lisaks on täheldatud, et kolloidhõbe suudab tappa patogeene, mida ükski muu antibiootikum ei tapa.
